The Parental Courses are held by a team of professionals that provides support and oversees the parents-to-be in their special journey by providing them different types of tools and using different perspectives.
The sessions are designed to be attended by the couple except for few sessions where only one partner it is expressly expected to attend.
All courses are in Italian. Some sessions can be held in English. Please contact us for personalized packages.
In partnership with Novepassi.
Limited number of places available.
For info and registration click here or send us an email.
The course will start only if a minimum number of participants is reached.
In the event that the course does not proceed due to insufficient enrollment, the deposit paid will be refunded.
Possibility of:
“Land & Water” Packages (including aquatic activities for pregnant women or infants)
Individual sessions and in-depth consultations available upon request.
Courses for First Pregnancy
- Accompanying the Birth: €150
- Parents are born and made: €75
- Complete Package (combo of the two Courses): €200
Courses for Second Pregnancy:
- Twice Parents: €150
“Accompanying the birth” Course
- Physiology of pregnancy
- Understanding and awareness of the perineum
- Giving birth today: from the first signs to labor and delivery
- Becoming a dad (meeting dedicated to fathers)
Duration and Format:
IN-PERSON: 1h 30m | Wednesday at 6:30 PM
WHEN: Find out the upcoming dates on the dedicated page in the Novepassi website.
Course held by:
Eleonora Sciascia, Obstetrician
“Parents are born and made” Course
- Back home: From management to prevention
- Hormonal rollercoaster. How does the couple change?
Duration and Format:
IN-PERSON: 1h 30m | Wednesday at 6:30 PM
WHEN: Find out the upcoming dates on the dedicated page within the Novepassi website.
Course held by:
Alessandra Basile, Mid-wife and Educator
Rossana Joo, Doctor Psychologist and Psychotherapist
“Twice Parents” Course
- Love doesn’t get split, just gets bigger. How to manage the arrival of a brother/sister.
- Back home, how to handle the newborn home.
- How the family routine changes.
- Session dedicated to the first son/daughter together with mum and dad. Play-based session.
Course held by:
Alessandra Basile, Mid-wife and Educator
Rossana Joo, Doctor Psychologist and Psychotherapist
Eleonora Sciascia, Ostetrica